

The DECLARATIONS here are derived through the empowerment of hereditary monarchs [both customary and international law]. HRM Hwuneem has been brought forward to serve as the template for all other absolute monarchs of Turtle Island North; who seek to establish moder era proclamations of continued, non-diminished governance of traditional territories.
Where you wish to move forward with your individual declarations of a similar manner ... we have been assured by the leading legal scholars on these international law matters that such proclamations - as verified through established, consecutive hereditary lines - will become law as soon as pronounced according to the standards that we have developed at this PAGE.
Further, we have been advised that the Great Turtle Island Federation IGO registry is quite acceptable ... the legal opinion on this comes from a legal scholar who has been with the UN International Law Division ... and, who advises that the UN is, also, ONLY an IGO ... no authority beyond that : a Fraternity ...
The expeditious governance empowerment is derived through the singular absolute monarchical authority; i.e., in "Canada" an elected Chief under the Indian Act - and, who is not established as an absolute monarch - is deficient in authority due to the paramountcy of the absolute monarch over that of the constitutional monarch in Canada; and, is, therefore, subject to the actual absolute monarch of the territory in question.

Thank you for your kind consideration of these matters. And, we look forward.